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Reading Habits

How to Develop Better Reading Habits

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How to Develop Better Reading Habits

Books are an important source of information and entertainment.   Reading of books is also important because it assists in improving memory, focus, and concentration.  Although there are very many benefits of reading, a lot of people are struggling with the development of a reading habit.  To assist you with this, the article will highlight some tricks that should assist you to develop a reading habit.

1.Create a List of Books You Want to Read

Before you start reading you need to identify the motivation that you have to read.  Why do you want to read? By identifying why you want to read then you will be in a position to choose the books to read wisely.

When you are choosing the books to read, you should find books that will educate you about your profession, hobbies and even how to deal with relationships. Also, you should create a list of books that will entertain you. Your choice of books should motivate you to read.

2.Create Time for Reading

When people have a bad reading habit, they normally site the fact that they have no time to read. Unless you set a time to read you will find that you are too busy.  Devote a few minutes to reading.  The time that you choose should be free from any distraction.  Make sure you turn off your mobile devices, the internet, TV and anything else that can be a distraction to your reading.  When you create time and eliminate any distraction, you will be creating a sense of importance and relevance to the practice.

3.Make Reading Time an Enjoyable Time

You need to make your reading time a time that you are looking forward to.  You should make yourself very comfortable. You can also line up some treats that you will have during your reading time.   You need to make this time one of the best times during the day.

 4.Create Your Reading Goals

If you want to develop a reading habit, then you need to set a goal.  Identify the number of books that you would want to read within a specific period. The goal should be realistic.  You also need to break down the goal to the number of paragraphs that you would want to read every reading session. By creating a goal and actually achieving the goal, you get motivated to read the more.

5.Become More Active in Your Reading

To motivate yourself to read, you need to read more actively. Highlight passages that you find to be interesting and discuss what you learn from the book. When you are able to discuss what you read you will be motivated to read more.

6. Join a book club or get a reading partner

You should look for a book club or a reading partner to whom you will be accountable to. Since you are new at this, it may be very hard for you to be disciplined.   Joining a book club gives you people to whom you will be accountable to.  However, do not just join any book club. Look for a partner or a club where they read books that you are interested in. 

7.Read a Book to Someone Else

You can read more if you make time to read to someone else.  You can read to your child or even a friend.  If you find someone who is willing to listen to you and they are fascinated by the book that you are reading to them, then you will have a reading assignment that will allow you to develop a disciplined reading routine.

8.Carry Your Book Everywhere

Carry the book your reading everywhere. You do not have to physically carry the book; you can have it in soft copy so that you can have it on your phone or any other portable gadget that you may carry around.  This allows you to read anytime that you get an opportunity.

Reading books is a healthy habit.  But it can be very difficult to develop a reading habit because of the distractions that you may face and also the lack of time.  The article provides practical techniques that you can use to develop a consistent reading habit.